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Leptoproduction of Heavy Quarks

Pankaj Agrawal, Fredrick I. Olness, Stephan T. Riemersma, Wu-Ki Tung

Published 1995-07-13Version 1

There are presently two approaches to calculating heavy quark production for the deeply inelastic scattering process in current literature. The conventional fixed-flavor scheme focuses on the flavor creation mechanism and includes the heavy quark only as a final state particle in the hard scattering cross section; this has been computed to next-to-leading order--\alphas^2. The more recently formulated variable-flavor scheme includes, in addition, the flavor excitation process where the initial state partons of all flavors contribute above their respective threshold, as commonly accepted for calculations of other high energy processes; this was initially carried out to leading order--\alphas^1. We first compare and contrast these existing calculations. As expected from physical grounds, the next-to-leading-order fixed-flavor scheme calculation yields good results near threshold, while the leading-order variable-flavor scheme calculation works well for asymptotic Q^2. The quality of the calculations in the intermediate region is dependent upon the x and Q^2 values chosen. An accurate self-consistent QCD calculation over the entire range can be obtained by extending the variable-flavor scheme to next-to-leading-order. Recent work to carry out this calculation is described. Preliminary numerical results of this calculation are also presented for comparison.

Comments: LaTeX format, 7 pages, 5 uuencoded figures with epsf.tex. Presented by FIO at XXXth Rencontres de Moriond, QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions, March 1995. Postscript file available from anonymous ftp:
Categories: hep-ph
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