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Angular Distribution and Polarization of Photons in the Inclusive Decay $Λ_b\to X_s\,γ$

M. Gremm, F. Krüger, L. M. Sehgal

Published 1995-05-22Version 1

We study the angular distribution of photons produced in the inclusive decay of a polarized $\Lambda_b$, $\Lambda_b\to X_s\,\gamma$, using the technique of Heavy Quark Effective Theory. Finite non-perturbative corrections are obtained relative to the free quark decay $b\to s\gamma$. These corrections affect significantly the intensity and polarization of photons emitted at small angles relative to the $\Lambda_b$ spin direction.

Comments: 10 pages, LaTeX, uses epsf, 2 figures appended as uuencoded, compressed eps tar-files
Journal: Phys.Lett. B355 (1995) 579-583
Categories: hep-ph
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