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A. Djouadi, J. Ng, T. G. Rizzo

Published 1995-04-03Version 1

We analyze the manifestations of new matter particles predicted by models of new physics beyond the Standard Model, at present and future high--energy colliders. We consider both the production of these new particles and some of their indirect signatures at $pp$ and $eP$ colliders as well as TeV $\ee$ colliders with their $\ee, e \gamma, \gamma \gamma$ and $e^- e^-$ modes. The report is arranged into four main sections plus an overview. These sections will deal separately with exotic and excited fermions, difermions, and new interactions.

Comments: 64 pages, latex, 30 figures (not included). The full *.ps file including the figures can be obtained via anonymous ftp at . To appear as a chapter in "Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Beyond the Standard Model", edited by T. Barklow, S. Dawson, H.E. Haber and S. Siegrist, World Scientific
Categories: hep-ph
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