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Renormalons and confinement

Ugo Aglietti, Zoltan Ligeti

Published 1995-03-02, updated 1995-03-10Version 3

We compute the renormalon ambiguity of the static potential, in the limit of a large number of flavors. An extrapolation of the QED result to QCD implies that the large distance behavior of the quark potential is arbitrary in perturbation theory, as there are an infinite number of prescriptions to assign. The shape of the potential at large distances is not only affected by the renormalon pole closest to the origin of the Borel plane, but a resummation of all renormalon contributions is required. In particular, confinement can be accommodated, but it is not explained. At short distances there is no indication of a linear term in the potential.

Comments: 7 pages revtex; major changes: list of authors corrected, title, abstract, body of paper changed.
Journal: Phys.Lett. B364 (1995) 75
Categories: hep-ph
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