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Fermion Masses and SO(10) SUSY GUTs

Stuart Raby

Published 1995-01-20Version 1

In this talk I summarize published work on a systematic operator analysis for fermion masses in a class of effective supersymmetric SO(10) GUTs\cite{adhrs}~\footnote{This work is in collaboration with G. Anderson, S. Dimopoulos, L.J. Hall, and G. Starkman.}. Given a minimal set of four operators at $M_G$, we have just 6 parameters in the fermion mass matrices. We thus make 8 predictions for the 14 low energy observables (9 quark and charged lepton masses, 4 quark mixing angles and $\tan \beta$). Several models, i.e. particular sets of dominant operators, are in quantitative agreement with the low energy data. In the second half of the talk I discuss the necessary ingredients for an SO(10) GUT valid below the Planck (or string) scale which reproduces one of our models. \footnote{These are preliminary results of work in progress with Lawrence Hall.} This complete GUT should still be interpreted as an effective field theory, i.e. perhaps the low energy limit of a string theory.

Comments: Talk presented at the Warsaw-Boston Workshop on Physics from Planck Scale to Electro-Weak Scale, Warsaw, Poland, September 1994. 22 pages, latex, 12 figures are not included. They can be obtained upon request to
Categories: hep-ph
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