Amplitude Zeros in Radiative Decays of Scalar Particles
Published 1994-10-25, updated 1994-10-26Version 2
We study amplitude zeros in radiative decay processes with a photon or a gluon emission of all possible scalar particles(e.g. scalar leptoquarks) which may interact with the usual fermions in models beyond the standard model. For the decays with a photon emission, the amplitudes clearly exhibit the factorization property and the differential decay rates vanish at specific values of a certain variable which are determined only by the electric charges of the particles involved and independent of the particle masses and the various couplings. For the decays with a gluon emission, even though the zeros are washed away, the differential decay rates still have distinct minima. The branching ratios as a function of leptoquark masses are presented for the scalar leptoquark decays. We also comment on the decays of vector particles into two fermions and a photon.