Parton Distributions in Nuclei
Published 1994-10-04Version 1
We discuss two topics in this talk. One is a brief overview of nuclear parton distributions, and the other is SU(2)-flavor-symmetry breaking in {\it nuclear} antiquark distributions. First, we show that nuclear structure functions $F_2^A(x)$ could be explained in a $Q^2$ rescaling model with parton recombination effects. Then, nuclear gluon distributions are discussed in this parton model. We point out other interesting distributions for future investigations. Second, $\bar u-\bar d$ distributions in nuclei are discussed in order to shed light on nuclear modification of the $\bar u-\bar d$ distribution. -------------------- * This talk was supported by the Yamada Science Foundation.
Comments: LATEX 6 pages (Figs. 1-4 are available upon request), Plenary Talk* given at the International Symposium on Medium Energy Physics,Beijing, P.R.China, August 22-26, 1994, SAGA-HE-68-94
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