An Update of the CKM Matrix
Published 1994-09-23Version 1
We update the constraints on the parameters of the quark flavour mixing matrix $V_{CKM}$ in the standard model using the latest experimental and theoretical results as input. We present the 95$\%$ C.L. allowed region of the unitarity triangle and the corresponding ranges for the ratio $\vert V_{td}/V_{ts} \vert$ and for the quantities $\sin 2\alpha$, $\sin 2\beta$ and $\sin^2\gamma$, which characterize CP-violating rate asymmetries in $B$-decays. The SM prediction for the $\bs$-$\bsb$ mixing ratio $\xs$ is also presented.
Comments: talk given by A. Ali at the the 27th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP), Glasgow, Scotland, July 1994; 4 pages, LaTeX (uses epsf.tex), 1 figure (included as a file), CERN-TH.7408/94, UdeM-GPP-TH-94-07
Categories: hep-ph
Keywords: ckm matrix, quark flavour mixing matrix, standard model, sm prediction, unitarity triangle
Tags: conference paper
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