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Kinetics of Bose-Condensation

D. Semikoz, I. Tkachev

Published 1994-09-01Version 1

The process of condensation in the system of scalar Bosons with weak $\lambda \phi^4$ interaction is considered. Boltzmann kinetic equation is solved numerically. Bose condensation proceeds in two stages: At the first stage condensate is still absent but there is non-zero inflow of particles towards $\vec{{\bf p}} = 0$ and the distribution function at $\vec{{\bf p}} = 0$ grows from finite values to infinity. At the second stage there are two components, condensate and particles, reaching their equilibrium values. We show that the evolution in both stages proceeds in a self - similar way and find the time needed for condensation, which is finite.

Comments: 12 pages, LaTeX RevTeX 3.0, includes 4 eps figures
Journal: Phys.Rev.Lett. 74 (1995) 3093-3097
Categories: hep-ph, cond-mat
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