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Flavor mixing in the gluino coupling and the nucleon decay

Toru Goto, Takeshi Nihei, Jiro Arafune

Published 1994-04-28Version 1

Flavor mixing in the quark-squark-gluino coupling is studied for the minimal SU(5) SUGRA-GUT model and applied to evaluation of the nucleon lifetime. All off-diagonal (generation mixing) elements of Yukawa coupling matrices and of squark/slepton mass matrices are included in solving numerically one-loop renormalization group equations for MSSM parameters, and the parameter region consistent with the radiative electroweak symmetry breaking condition is searched. It is shown that the flavor mixing in the gluino coupling for a large $\tan\beta$ is of the same order of magnitude as the corresponding Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element in both up-type and down-type sector. There exist parameter regions where the nucleon decay amplitudes for charged lepton modes are dominated by the gluino dressing process, while for all the examined regions the neutrino mode amplitudes are dominated by the wino dressing over the gluino dressing.

Comments: 24 pages, LaTeX, figures are available upon request. ICRR-Report-317-94-12
Journal: Phys.Rev.D52:505-517,1995
Categories: hep-ph
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