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Single $W_R$ Production in $e^-e^-$ Collisions at the NLC

Thomas G. Rizzo

Published 1994-04-06Version 1

Single $W_R$ production in $e^-e^-$ collisions at the NLC can be used to probe the Majorana nature of the heavy neutrinos present in the Left-Right Symmetric Model below the kinematic threshold for their direct production. For colliders in the $\sqrt {s}=1-1.5$ TeV range, typical cross sections of order $1-10 fb$ are obtained, depending on the specific choice of model parameters. Backgrounds arising from Standard Model processes are shown to be small. This analysis greatly extends the kinematic range of previous studies wherein the production of an on-shell, like-sign pair of $W_R$'s at the NLC was considered.

Comments: 13pp, 3 figures (available on request), LaTex, SLAC-PUB-6475
Journal: Phys.Rev. D50 (1994) 5602-5606
Categories: hep-ph
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