Anomalous Condensates and the Equivalence Theorem
Published 1993-11-30Version 1
A recently published report has called into question the validity of the equivalence theorem in dynamically broken gauge theories in which the fermions making up the symmetry breaking condensate lie in an anomalous representation of the broken gauge group. Such a situation can occur if the gauge anomaly is cancelled by another sector of the theory. Using the example of the one family Standard Model without scalar Higgs structure, we analyze a low energy effective theory which preserves the symmetries of the fundamental theory and demonstrate the validity of the equivalence theorem in this class of models.
Comments: 14 Pages (Plain TeX + Harvmac), 2 uuencoded PostScript figures appended (figures also available by mail or fax), LBL-34900
Journal: Phys.Lett. B323 (1994) 161-168
Categories: hep-ph
Keywords: equivalence theorem, anomalous condensates, low energy effective theory, scalar higgs structure, broken gauge group
Tags: journal article
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