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Singular defects with fractional topological charge\\ in $σ$ models and gauge theories

A. R. Zhitnitsky

Published 1993-11-30Version 1

A novel class of self-dual solutions in $\sigma$ models and gauge theories is considered. The contribution of the corresponding fluctuations to the chiral condensate is calculated. We discuss the few tightly connected problems, such as the $U(1)$ problem, the $\theta$ dependence and the chiral symmetry breaking within a framework of this approach. Arguments in favour of significance of the configurations with fractional topological charge are given.

Comments: Contribution to the Proceedings of Lattice-93, Dallas, 12-16 October, 1993
Journal: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 34 (1994) 207-209
Categories: hep-ph, hep-lat
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