Charmonium Production via Fragmentation
Michael A. Doncheski, Sean Fleming, Michelangelo L. Mangano
Published 1993-11-20Version 1
We present the preliminary results of a calculation of the fragmentation contribution to charmonium production at large transverse momentum in $p\bar{p}$ colliders. The fragmentation of gluons and charm quarks is the dominant direct production mechanism for sufficiently large $p_{\perp}$. We find that for both $J/\psi$ and $\psi '$ production fragmentation dominates over the conventional gluon-gluon fusion mechanism for $p_{\perp}$ greater than about 6 GeV.} Presented at the Workshop on Physics at Current Accelerator and the Supercollider, Argonne National Laboratory, June 1993.
Comments: 6 pages, FERMILAB-CONF-93/348-T
Categories: hep-ph
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