THE $t\bar tγ$ BACKGROUND TO $pp\rightarrow Wγ+ X$ AT THE SSC
Published 1993-09-08Version 1
We calculate the $pp\rightarrow t\bar t\gamma+X\rightarrow W\gamma + X$ cross section at SSC energies. Approximately 40\% of the total cross section originates from photon bremsstrahlung off the final state jet in $t\bar tj$ production. Without cuts restricting the hadronic activity, the $t\bar t\gamma$ rate is a factor 10 (2) larger than the tree level $W\gamma$ cross section for a top quark mass of 110~GeV (200~GeV). Imposing a jet veto cut, the $t\bar t\gamma$ rate can be suppressed to a level well below the $W\gamma+0$~jet signal cross section.
Comments: 8 pages, latex, 3embedded figures (uuencoded postscript files), to appear in the Proceedings of the Workshop ``Physics at Current Accelerators and the Supercollider'', Argonne National Laboratory, June~2 --~5, 1993, FSU-HEP-930830, BNL-49462
Categories: hep-ph
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