Colour Screening, Quark Propagation in Nuclear Matter and the Broadening of the Momentum Distribution of Drell-Yan Pairs
J. Dolejsi, J. Huefner, B. Z. Kopeliovich
Published 1993-05-11Version 1
We calculate the broadening of the transverse momentum distribution of a quark propagating through nuclear matter. Colour screening plays a fundamental role in that it cuts off quark-nucleon interactions with soft gluons. The mean transverse momentum of the quark acquired along its trajectory, observed via Drell-Yan pairs, is related to it the ratio of the total inelastic meson-nucleon cross section it to the meson mean squared radius. Parameter-free calculations agree with the data.
Comments: LaTex file, 7 pages + 2 figs (not included, available by fax) Heidelberg , HD-TVP-93-5
Journal: Phys.Lett. B312 (1993) 235-239
Categories: hep-ph
Keywords: nuclear matter, drell-yan pairs, momentum distribution, colour screening, quark propagation
Tags: journal article
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