About the realization of chiral symmetry in QCD2
Published 1992-11-02Version 1
Two dimensional massless Quantum Chromodynamics presents many features which resemble those of the true theory. In particular the spectrum consists of mesons and baryons arranged in flavor multiplets without parity doubling. We analyze the implications of chiral symmetry, which is not spontaneously broken in two dimensions, in the spectrum and in the quark condensate. We study how parity doubling, an awaited consequence of Coleman's theorem, is avoided due to the dimensionality of space-time and confinement. We prove that a chiral phase transition is not possible in the theory.
Comments: 9 pages, latex, ftuv/92-2
Journal: Z.Phys. C58 (1993) 133-138
DOI: 10.1007/BF01554086
Categories: hep-ph
Keywords: chiral symmetry, realization, dimensional massless quantum chromodynamics, chiral phase transition, true theory
Tags: journal article
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