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The Extended Bess Model: Bounds from Precision Electroweak Measurements

R. Casalbuoni, A. Deandrea, S. De Curtis, N. Di Bartolomeo, D. Dominici, F. Feruglio, R. Gatto

Published 1992-09-29, updated 2015-05-15Version 2

We present an effective Lagrangian parameterization describing scalar, vector, and axial-vector bound states, originating from a strong breaking of the electroweak symmetry, based on the global symmetry $SU(N)_L\otimes SU(N)_R$. In this approach vector and axial-vector bound states are gauge bosons associated to a hidden $SU(N)_L\otimes SU(N)_R$ symmetry. After the gauging of the electroweak symmetry, the corrections to the self-energies of the standard model gauge bosons are calculated and bounds on the parameter space of the model arising from precision measurements are studied. The self-energy corrections arise from spin 1 mixings, pseudogoldstones loops, pseudogoldstone-spin 1 loops, and tadpole terms. The one-loop terms tend to decrease both isospin conserving and isospin violating corrections. Careful calculation for standard $SU(8)$ QCD-scaled technicolor shows that strictly this model (which has however serious theoretical difficulties on his own) is still marginally allowed at present experimental precision.

Comments: LaTeX (style article), 28 pages, 7 figures, UGVA-DPT 1992/07-778, v2 only updates the original broken TeX file
Journal: Nucl.Phys. B409 (1993) 257-289
Categories: hep-ph
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