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Dark Matter and Collider Phenomenology of Universal Extra Dimensions

Dan Hooper, Stefano Profumo

Published 2007-01-23, updated 2007-08-23Version 2

We review the phenomenology of models with flat, compactified extra dimensions where all of the Standard Model fields are allowed to propagate in the bulk, known as Universal Extra Dimensions (UED). UED make for an interesting TeV-scale physics scenario, featuring a tower of Kaluza-Klein (KK) states approximately degenerate in mass at the scale set by the inverse size of the compactification radius. KK parity, the four-dimensional remnant of momentum conservation in the extra dimensions, implies two basic consequences: (1) contributions to Standard Model observables arise only at loop level, and KK states can only be pair-produced at colliders, and (2) the lightest KK particle (LKP) is stable, providing a suitable particle dark matter candidate. After a theoretical overview on extra dimensional models, and on UED in particular, we introduce the model particle spectrum and the constraints from precision electroweak tests and current colliders data. We then give a detailed overview of the LKP dark matter phenomenology, including the LKP relic abundance, and direct and indirect searches. We then discuss the physics of UED at colliders, with particular emphasis on the signatures predicted for the Large Hadron Collider and at a future Linear Collider, as well as on the problem of discriminating between UED and other TeV-scale new physics scenarios, particularly supersymmetry. We propose a set of reference benchmark models, representative of different viable UED realizations. Finally, we collect in the Appendix all the relevant UED Feynman rules, the scattering cross sections for annihilation and coannihilation processes in the early universe and the production cross section for strongly interacting KK states at hadron colliders.

Comments: Version to appear on Physics Reports, 114 pages, 40 figures; references and material added
Journal: Phys.Rept.453:29-115,2007
Categories: hep-ph, astro-ph, hep-th
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