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Quark spin content of the proton, hyperon semileptonic decays, and the decay width of the $Θ^{+}$ pentaquark

Ghil-Seok Yang, Hyun-Chul Kim, Klaus Goeke

Published 2007-01-20, updated 2007-04-19Version 2

Using the exisiting experimental data for hyperon semileptonic decays and the flavor-singlet axial-vector charge $g_{A}^{(0)}$ from polarized deep inelastic scattering of the proton, we derive the decay width of the $\Theta^{+}$ pentaquark baryon. We take into account the effects of flavor SU(3) symmetry breaking within the framework of the chiral quark-soliton model. All dynamical parameters of the model are fixed by using the five experimental hyperon semileptonic decay constants and flavor singlet axial-vector charge. We obtain the numerical results of the decay width of the $\Theta^{+}$ pentaquark baryon as a function of the pion-nucleon sigma term $\Sigma_{\pi N}$ and investigate the dependence of the decay width of the $\Theta^{+}$ on the $g_{A}^{(0)}$, varying the $g_{A}^{(0)}$ within the range of the experimental uncertainty. We demonstrate that the combined values of all known semileptonic decays with the generally accepted value of $g_{A}^{(0)} \approx 0.3$ for the proton are compatible with a small decay width $\Gamma_{\Theta KN}$ of the $\Theta^{+}$ pentaquark, i.e. $\Gamma_{\Theta KN} \leq 1$ MeV.

Comments: 11 pages, 2 figures. Title has been changed, some of the text has been modified, and more references have been added. The final version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D
Journal: Phys.Rev.D75:094004,2007
Categories: hep-ph
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