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U-boson at BESIII

Shou-hua Zhu

Published 2006-12-29, updated 2007-05-11Version 2

The $O$(MeV) spin-1 U-boson has been proposed to mediate the interaction among electron-positron and $O$(MeV) dark matter, in order to account for the 511 keV $\gamma$-ray observation by SPI/INTEGRAL. In this paper the observability of such kind of U-boson at BESIII is investigated through the processes $e^+e^- \to U \gamma$ and $e^+e^- \to J/\Psi \to e^+e^- U$. We find that BESIII and high luminosity B-factories have the comparable capacity to detect such U-boson. If U-boson decays mainly into dark matter, i.e. invisibly, BESIII can measure the coupling among U-boson and electron-positron $g_{eR}$ (see text) down to $O(10^{-5})$, and cover large parameter space which can account for 511 keV $\gamma$-ray observation. On the other hand, provided that U decays mainly into electron-positron, BESIII can detect $g_{eR}$ down to $O(10^{-3})$, and it is hard to explore 511 keV $\gamma$-ray measurement allowed parameter space due to the irreducible QED backgrounds.

Comments: 3 refs added, minor text modification, PRD version
Journal: Phys.Rev.D75:115004,2007
Categories: hep-ph, hep-ex
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