Topology and confinement at T \neq 0 : calorons with non-trivial holonomy
P. Gerhold, E. -M. Ilgenfritz, M. Müller-Preussker, B. V. Martemyanov, A. I. Veselov
Published 2006-11-12, updated 2006-11-20Version 2
In this talk, relying on experience with various lattice filter techniques, we argue that the semiclassical structure of finite temperature gauge fields for T < T_c is dominated by calorons with non-trivial holonomy. By simulating a dilute gas of calorons with identical holonomy, superposed in the algebraic gauge, we are able to reproduce the confining properties below T_c up to distances r = O(4 fm} >> \rho (the caloron size). We compute Polyakov loop correlators as well as space-like Wilson loops for the fundamental and adjoint representation. The model parameters, including the holonomy, can be inferred from lattice results as functions of the temperature.