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CP violation and limits on New Physics including recent $B_s$ measurements

F. J. Botella, G. C. Branco, M. Nebot

Published 2006-08-09, updated 2007-01-11Version 3

We analyse present constraints on the SM parameter space and derive, in a model independent way, various bounds on New Physics contributions to $B_d^0$--$\bar B_d^0$ and $B_s^0$--$\bar B_s^0$ mixings. Our analyses include information on a large set of asymmetries, leading to the measurement of the CKM phases $\gamma$ and $\bar\beta$, as well as recent data from D0 and CDF related to the $B_s^0$--$\bar B_s^0$ system such as the measurement of $\Delta M_{B_s}$, $A_{SL}$ and $\Delta\Gamma_{s}^{CP}$. We examine in detail several observables such as the asymmetries $A_{sl}^d$, $A_{SL}$, the width differences $\Delta\Gamma_{d}$ and $\Delta\Gamma_{s}^{CP}$ and discuss the r\^ole they play in establishing the limits on New Physics. The present data clearly favour the SM, with the New Physics favoured region placed around the SM solution. A New Physics solution significantly different from the SM is still allowed, albeit quite disfavoured (2.6% probability). We analyse the presently available indirect knowledge on the phase $\bar\chi$ entering in $B_s^0$--$\bar B_s^0$ mixing and study the impact of a future measurement of $\bar\chi$ to be achieved at LHC, through the measurement of the time-dependent CP asymmetry in $B_s\to J/\Psi \Phi$ decays.

Comments: 29 pages, 31 figures; updated analyses and references
Journal: Nucl.Phys.B768:1-20,2007
Categories: hep-ph, hep-ex
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