New Heavy-Light Mesons $Q\bar q$
Takayuki Matsuki, Toshiyuki Morii, Kazutaka Sudoh
Published 2006-05-01, updated 2007-01-03Version 5
We succeed in reproducing the $\ell=1$ $B$ mesons, $B_1(5720)$, $B_2^*(5745)$, and $B_{s2}^*(5839)$ that are recently reported by D0 and CDF, by using our semirelativistic quark potentila model, which also succeeded in predicting the mass spectra of the narrow $D_{sJ}$ as well as broad $D_0^*(0^+)$ and $D_1'(1^+)$ particles a couple of years ago. Mass of higher excited states ($\ell=1, 2$) of $B$ and $B_s$ mesons, which are not yet observed, is also predicted at the first order in $p/m_b$. We find the corresponding $B_{sJ}$ are below $BK/B^*K$ threshold and should have narrow decay widths contrary to most other predictions. Also already established states ($\ell=0$ and $\ell=1$) of $D$, $D_s$, $B$, and $B_s$ heavy mesons are simultaneously reproduced in good agreement with experimental data within one percent of accuracy. To calculate these $D/D_s$ and $B/B_s$ heavy mesons we use different values of strong coupling $\alpha_s$ which conforms to a notion of running coupling.