Dynamically generated 0^+ heavy mesons in a heavy chiral unitary approach
Feng-Kun Guo, Peng-Nian Shen, Huan-Ching Chiang, Rong-Gang Ping, Bing-Song Zou
Published 2006-03-09, updated 2006-10-07Version 4
In terms of the heavy chiral Lagrangian and the unitarized coupled-channel scattering amplitude, interaction between the heavy meson and the light pseudoscalar meson is studied. By looking for the pole of scattering matrix on an appropriate Riemann sheet, a $DK$ bound state $D_{s0}^*$ with the mass of $2.312\pm0.041$ GeV is found. This state can be associated as the narrow $D_{sJ}^*(2317)$ state found recently. In the same way, a $B{\bar K}$ bound state $B_{s0}^*$ is found, and its mass of $5.725\pm0.039$ GeV is predicted. The spectra of $D_0^*$ and $B_0^*$ with $I=1/2$ are further investigated. One broad and one narrow states are predicted in both charm and bottom sectors. The coupling constants and decay widths of the predicted states are also calculated.