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Right-Handed Sneutrino as Cold Dark Matter

Takehiko Asaka, Koji Ishiwata, Takeo Moroi

Published 2005-12-09Version 1

We consider supersymmetric models with right-handed neutrinos where neutrino masses are purely Dirac-type. In this model, right-handed sneutrino can be the lightest supersymmetric particle and can be a viable candidate of cold dark matter of the universe. Right-handed sneutrinos are never thermalized in the early universe because of weakness of Yukawa interaction, but are effectively produced by decays of various superparticles. We show that the present mass density of right-handed sneutrino can be consistent with the observed dark matter density.

Comments: 4 pages, 1 figure
Journal: Phys.Rev. D73 (2006) 051301
Categories: hep-ph, astro-ph
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