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The CP asymmetry in B^0(t) -> K_S π^0 γin the Standard Model

Benjamin Grinstein, Dan Pirjol

Published 2005-10-10, updated 2006-01-08Version 3

The time-dependent CP asymmetry in exclusive B^0(t) -> K^{*0}\gamma decays has been proposed as a probe of new physics in B decays. Recently, this method was extended to radiative decays into multibody hadronic final states such as B^0(t)-> K_S\pi^0\gamma and B^0(t)-> \pi^+\pi^-\gamma. The CP asymmetry in these decays vanishes to the extent that the photon is completely polarized. In the Standard Model, the photon emitted in b-> s\gamma has high left-handed polarization, but right-handed contamination enters already at leading order in \Lambda/m_b even for vanishing light quark masses. We compute here the magnitude of this effect and the time dependent CP asymmetry parameter S_{K_S \pi^0\gamma}. We find that the Standard Model can easily accomodate values of S as large as 10%, but a precise value cannot be obtained at present because of strong interactions uncertainties.

Comments: 11 pages, 4 figures. Final version to appear in Physical Review D
Journal: Phys.Rev. D73 (2006) 014013
Categories: hep-ph, hep-ex
Subjects: 13.60.-r, 12.39.Fe
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