A Dark Matter Candidate with New Strong Interactions
T. Banks, J. D. Mason, D. O'Neil
Published 2005-06-02, updated 2005-06-16Version 3
We study the possibility that dark matter is a baryon of a new strongly interacting gauge theory, which was introduced in the low energy theory of Cosmological SUSY Breaking (CSB). This particle can fit the observed dark matter density if an appropriate cosmological asymmetry is generated. The same mechanism can also explain the dark/baryonic matter ratio in the universe. The mass of the dark matter particle is in the multiple TeV range, and could be as high as 20 TeV.
Comments: Revised to include a disclaimer in paragraph 3 of page 5. Typo removed in equation for angular momentum of soliton-anti-soliton scattering, in paragraph 3 of section 2
Journal: Phys.Rev. D72 (2005) 043530
Subjects: 95.35.+d
Keywords: dark matter candidate, strong interactions, multiple tev range, dark matter particle, low energy theory
Tags: journal article
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