The theory of pentaquarks
Published 2004-09-29Version 1
Is there a theory or good experimental evidence? Bj's question: Pentaquark is created by $e^+e^-$. $2q + q \to$ Baryon $; ~ ~ ~ 2q + \bar q \to $ Triquark$ ; ~ ~ ~ 2q + $Triquark $ \to $Pentaquark Does it live long onough to be observable? Basic physics of constituent quarks and flavor antisymmetry. Report of $\Theta^+$ violating flavor antisymmetry indicates need for two-cluster model.. Ball in Experimental Court - Some experiments see $\Theta^+$; others don't. Possible production mechanisms present in some experiments, absent in others; e.g. via $N^*(2.3 \rm{GeV}) \to \Theta^+ + \bar K$?
Comments: 10 pages
Journal: Frascati Phys.Ser. 35 (2004) 177-186
Categories: hep-ph
Tags: journal article
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