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Color dipoles and k_t factorization for nuclei

N. N. Nikolaev, W. Schäfer, B. G. Zakharov, V. R. Zoller

Published 2004-08-04Version 1

We discuss applications of the color dipole approach to hard processes on nuclei. We focus on the relation to k_t--factorisation and the role of a nuclear unintegrated gluon distribution in single-- and two-- particle inclusive spectra in \gamma^*A and pA collisions. Linear k_t factorisation is broken for a wide class of observables, which we exemplify on the case of heavy quark p_t--spectra.

Comments: 4 pp., 1 eps-fig. Talk given at 12th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS 2004), Strbske Pleso, Slovakia, 14-18 Apr 2004
Categories: hep-ph
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