Global analysis of inclusive B decays
Christian W. Bauer, Zoltan Ligeti, Michael Luke, Aneesh V. Manohar, Michael Trott
Published 2004-08-02, updated 2004-10-29Version 3
In light of the large amount of new experimental data, we revisit the determination of V_{cb} and m_b from inclusive semileptonic and radiative B decays. We study shape variables to order lqcd^3/m_b^3 and alpha_s^2\beta_0, and include the order alpha_s, lqcd/m_b correction to the hadron mass spectrum in semileptonic decay, which improves the agreement with the data. We focus on the 1S and kinetic mass schemes for the b quark, with and without expanding m_b-m_c in HQET. We perform fits to all available data from BABAR, BELLE, CDF, CLEO, and DELPHI, discuss the theoretical uncertainties, and compare with earlier results. We find V_{cb} = (41.4 +- 0.6 +- 0.1) x 10^{-3} and m_b^{1S} = 4.68 +- 0.03 GeV, including our estimate of the theoretical uncertainty in the fit.