Parity of Anti-Decuplet Baryons Revisited from Chiral Soliton Models
Published 2003-11-25, updated 2004-07-19Version 2
We recalculate masses and widths of anti-decuplet baryons in the case of positive parity from chiral soliton models, provided that the member $\Xi_{3/2}$ of the anti-decuplet has a mass 1.86 GeV as reported recently. Calculations show that there are no convincing candidates for the nonexotic members of the anti-decuplet available in the baryon listings. Up to the leading order of $m_s$ and 1/$N_c$, the width formula for the decay of the anti-decuplet baryons to the octet depends only on SU(3) symmetry model-independently, except the coupling constant. Similarly we give a width formula for the decay of negative parity baryons belong to certain SU(3) baryon multiplet by pure symmetry consideration. By this formula, we find that if we have an anti-decuplet with negative parity and that the masses are the same as those given by chiral soltion models, the identification of N(1650) as $N_{\bar{10}}$ are inconsistent with experiments for $N(1650)\to N\pi$ while the widths agree with other two decay channels involving strangeness. And $\Sigma(1750)$ seems to be a reasonable candidate for $\Sigma_{\bar{10}}$.