Direct CP violation and new physics effects in the decay mode B^+ -> phi K^+
Published 2003-11-02, updated 2004-06-29Version 3
We study the direct CP violation effect in the decay mode $B^+ \to \phi K^+$. This decay mode is dominated by the loop induced $\bar b \to \bar s s \bar s$ penguin diagram with a tiny contribution from annihilation diagram. Therefore, the standard model expectation of direct CP violation is negligibly small. Using QCD factorization approach we find the CP asymmetry in the standard model to be at percent level. We consider then two scenarios beyond the standard model, the model with an extra vector like down quark (VLDQ) and the R-parity violating supersymmetric model (RPV) and show that the direct CP violating asymmetry in $B^+ \to \phi K^+ $ could be as large as ~85% (70%) in VLDQ (RPV) model.