Fat Branes, Orbifolds and Doublet-Triplet Splitting
Published 2003-06-24, updated 2003-09-17Version 2
A simple higher dimensional mechanism of the doublet-triplet splitting is presented in a five dimensional supersymmetric SU(5) GUT on $S^1/Z_2$. The splitting of multiplets is realized by a mass term of Higgs hypermultiplet which explicitly breaks SU(5) gauge symmetry. Depending on the sign of mass, zero mode Higgs doublets and triplets are localized on the either side of the fixed points. The mass splitting is realized due to the difference of magnitudes of the overlap with a brane localized or a bulk singlet field. No unnatural fine-tuning of parameters is needed. The proton stability is ensured by locality {\em without symmetries}. As well as a conventional mass splitting solution, it is shown that the weak scale Higgs triplet is consistent with the proton stability. This result might provide an alternative signature of GUT in future collider experiments.