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Squark Mixing in Electron-Positron Reactions

Edmond L. Berger, Jungil Lee, Tim M. P. Tait

Published 2003-06-12Version 1

Squark mixing plays a large role in the phenomenology of the minimal supersymmetric standard model, determining the mass of the lightest Higgs boson and the electroweak interactions of the squarks themselves. We examine how mixing may be investigated in high energy $e^+ e^-$ reactions, both at LEP-II and the proposed linear collider. In particular, off-diagonal production of one lighter and one heavier squark allows one to measure the squark mixing angle, and would allow one to test the mass relations for the light Higgs boson. In some cases off-diagonal production may provide the best prospects to discover supersymmetry. In the context of the light bottom squark scenario, we show that existing data from LEP-II should show definitive evidence for the heavier bottom squark provided that its mass $m_{\tilde{b}_2} \le 120$ GeV.

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