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Extended set of Majorana spinors, a new dispersion relation, and a preferred frame

D. V. Ahluwalia-Khalilova

Published 2003-05-30Version 1

We aspire to fufill Majorana's original goal of bringing full symmetry between the charged and fundamentally neutral particles. We present a description of fundamentally neutral particles without any reliance on Dirac spinors. We show that the extended set Majorana spinors (a) describe a Wigner class of fermions in which the charge conjugation and the parity operators commute, rather than anticommute, and (b) support two type of dispersion relations, the usual E= pm sqrt{p^2+m^2}, and a new E=- 2m \pm sqrt{p^2+m^2}. The latter may be preferred over the former on minimization of energy requirement and offers a natural source for observed matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. The ensuing physical interpretation requires existence of a preferred frame which may be identified with the cosmic neutrino background.

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