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Lepton flavor violating processes $l_{i}\longrightarrow l_{j}ν_{l}\barν_{l}$ in topcolor-assisted technicolor models

Chongxing Yue, Lanjun Liu

Published 2003-05-11Version 1

We study the lepton flavor violating (LFV) processes $l_{i}\longrightarrow l_{j}\nu_{l}\bar{\nu}_{l}$ in the context of the topcolor-assisted technicolor (TC2) models. We find that the branching ratios $B_{r}(\tau\longrightarrow l_{j}\nu_{\tau}\bar{\nu}_{\tau})$ are larger than the branching ratios $B_{r}(\tau\longrightarrow l_{j}\nu_{l}\bar{\nu}_{l})$ in all of the parameter space. Over a wide range of parameter space, we have $B_{r}(\tau\longrightarrow l_{j}\nu_{\tau}\bar{\nu}_{\tau})\sim 10^{-6}$ and $B_{r}(\tau\longrightarrow l_{j}\nu_{l}\bar{\nu}_{l})\sim 10^{-9} (l=\mu$ or $e)$. Taking into account the bounds given by the experimental upper limit $Br^{exp}(\mu\longrightarrow3e)\leq1\times10^{-12}$ on the free parameters of TC2 models, we further give the upper limits of the LFV processes $l_{i}\longrightarrow l_{j}\nu_{l}\bar{\nu}_{l}$. We hope that the results may be useful to partly explain the data of the neutrino oscillations and the future neutrino experimental data might be used to test TC2 models.

Comments: to be published in Phys. Lett. B
Journal: Phys.Lett. B564 (2003) 55-59
Categories: hep-ph
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