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Kaluza-Klein/$Z'$ Differentiation at the LHC and Linear Collider

Thomas. G. Rizzo

Published 2003-05-07, updated 2003-06-09Version 2

We explore the capabilities of the LHC and the Linear Collider(LC) to distinguish the production of Kaluza-Klein(KK) excitations from an ordinary $Z'$ within the context of theories with TeV scale extra dimensions. At the LHC, these states are directly produced in the Drell-Yan channel while at the LC the effects of their exchanges are indirectly felt as new contact interactions in processes such as $e^+e^-\to f\bar f$. While we demonstrate that the LC is somewhat more capable at KK/$Z'$ differentiation than is the LHC, the simplest LC analysis relies upon the LHC data for the resonance mass as an important necessary input.

Comments: 19 pages, 7 Figs, LaTex, minor corrections/additions to text
Journal: JHEP 0306 (2003) 021
Categories: hep-ph, hep-ex
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