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Mass Suppression in Octet Baryon Production

Jian-Jun Yang, Ivan Schmidt

Published 2003-02-18, updated 2003-05-09Version 2

There is a striking suppression of the cross section for production of octet baryons in $e^+ e ^-$ annihilation, as the mass of the produced hadron increases. We present a simple parametrization for the fragmentation functions into octet baryons guided by two input models: the SU(3) flavor symmetry part is given by a quark-diquark model, and the baryon mass suppression part is inspired by the string model. We need only eight free parameters to describe the fragmentation functions for all octet baryons. These free parameters are determined by a fit to the experimental data of octet baryon production in $e^+ e ^-$ annihilation. Then we apply the obtained fragmentation functions to predict the cross section of the octet baryon production in charged lepton DIS and find consistency with the available experimental data. Furthermore, baryon production in $pp$ collisions is suggested to be an ideal domain to check the predicted mass suppression.

Comments: 20 pages, 5 figures
Journal: Phys.Rev. D67 (2003) 114023
Categories: hep-ph
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