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Odderon induced Pion-Photoproduction at e+e- Colliders

Tania Robens

Published 2003-02-06Version 2

In diffractive hadronic scattering processes, the Pomeron trajectory, originating from Regge theory, significantly contributes to the behavior of the total and differential cross sections; the same holds for the description of the proton structure function in deep inelastic scattering. So far, the Odderon as the odd-parity partner of the Pomeron has only been observed in differences between differential cross sections for p p and p pbar scattering at low t. We investigate exclusive photoproduction of two neutral pion final states at e+e- colliders; in this reaction, Pomeron exchange is forbidden by C-parity conservation. The Odderon is described by an effective propagator. The Odderon contribution produces significant modifications of the differential cross sections. We investigate the effects of variation of trajectory and coupling parameters. We provide numerical results for total and differential cross sections for OPAL, BaBar, TESLA and the TESLA photon collider including detector cuts.

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