D-Meson Production from Recombination in Hadronic Collisions
Published 2003-01-28Version 1
Nonperturbative effects in $D$-meson production in pion-nucleon and proton-nucleon collisions are investigated within the recombination model. The coalescence of perturbatively created charm quarks with sea- and valence-quarks from projectile and target fragments is shown to be competitive in magnitude with standard fragmentation calculations at both central (small $x_F$) and forward rapidities. Corresponding flavor asymmetries for inclusive $D$-meson production are thus mostly generated on the (light-) parton distribution level, and turn out to be in reasonable overall agreement with available fixed-target data. Predictions for upcoming measurements at RHIC are given.
Comments: 14 pages RevTeX including 10 ps-figures
Journal: Phys.Rev. D67 (2003) 074036
Subjects: 13.85.Ni
Keywords: hadronic collisions, d-meson production, standard fragmentation calculations, parton distribution level, recombination model
Tags: journal article
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