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Collider Implications of Models with Extra Dimensions

C. Macesanu, C. D. McMullen, S. Nandi

Published 2002-11-26Version 1

We discuss the collider signals of large extra dimensions in which gravity as well as the SM particles propagate into the extra dimensions. These signals arise either from the production of Kaluza-Klein excitations of the SM particles and their subsequent decay, or from their off-shell exchanges. Depending on the scenario, the dominant signals are two high p_T jets + missing energy, two high p_T photons + missing energy and soft leptons, or a combination of photon + jet and missing energy. For the scenario in which only the gauge bosons propagate into the extra dimensions, Tevatron Run II (LHC) can observe such signals up to a compactification scale of about 2 TeV (7 TeV), while for the case of universal extra dimensions, the corresponding limits are about 600 GeV (3 TeV) respectively.

Comments: 3 pages; invited talk presented by S. Nandi at the ICHEP 2002, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 24-31, 2002
Categories: hep-ph
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