Dependence of hadron spectra on decoupling temperature and resonance contributions
K. J. Eskola, H. Niemi, P. V. Ruuskanen, S. S. Räsänen
Published 2002-06-24, updated 2002-12-13Version 2
Using equilibrium hydrodynamics with initial conditions for the energy and net baryon number densities from the perturbative QCD + saturation model, a good simultaneous description of the measured pion, kaon and (anti)proton spectra in central Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt s=130 A$GeV is found with a single decoupling temperature $\Tdec=150...160$ MeV. The interplay between the resonance content of the EoS and the development of the transverse flow leads to inverse slopes and $<p_T>$ of hadrons which increase with decreasing $\Tdec$. The origin of this result is discussed.
Comments: 4 pages, 2 eps-figures. Section 3 rewritten, table 1 and figure 1 redrawn, 2 references added
Journal: Phys.Lett. B566 (2003) 187-192
Keywords: hadron spectra, resonance contributions, dependence, net baryon number densities, resonance content
Tags: journal article
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