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$\bar B^0 \to π^+ X$ in the Standard Model

X. -G. He, C. -P. Kao, J. P. Ma, S. Pakvasa

Published 2002-06-06, updated 2002-06-09Version 2

In this paper we investigate the possibility of studying $B\to \pi$ form factor using the semi-inclusive decays $\bar B^0 \to \pi^+ + X_q$. In general $B\to PX$ semi-inclusive decays involve several hadronic parameters. But for $\bar B^0 \to \pi^+ X_q$ decays we find that in the factorization approximation, the only unknown hadronic parameters are the form factors $F^{B\to \pi}_{0,1}$. Therefore these form factors can be studied in $\bar B^0 \to \pi^+ X_q$ decays. Using theoretical model calculations for the form factors the branching ratios for $\bar B^0 \to \pi^+ X_d(\Delta S = 0) $ and $\bar B^0 \to \pi^+ X_s (\Delta S = -1)$, with the cut $E_{\pi} > 2.1$ GeV, are estimated to be in the ranges of $(3.1\sim 4.9) \times 10^{-5}(F^{B\to \pi}_1(0)/0.33)^2$ and $(2.5\sim 4.2)\times 10^{-5}(F_1^{B\to \pi}(0)/0.33)^2$, respectively, depending on the value of $\gamma$. The combined branching ratio for $\bar B^0 \to \pi^+ (X_d+ X_s)$ is about $7.4\times 10^{-5} (F^{B\to \pi}_1(0)/0.33)^2$ and is insensitive to $\gamma$. We also discuss CP asymmetries in these decay modes.

Comments: RevTex 8 pages and two figures
Journal: Phys.Rev.D66:097501,2002
Categories: hep-ph, hep-ex
Subjects: 11.30.Er, 14.40.Nd
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