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$ρ$ Polarization and `Model Independent' Extraction of $|V_{ub}|/|V_{cd}|$ from $D\toρ\ellν$ and $B\toρ\ellν$

Winston Roberts

Published 2002-04-30Version 1

We briefly discuss the predictions of the heavy quark effective theory for the semileptonic decays of a heavy pseudoscalar to a light one, or to a light vector meson. We point out that measurement of combinations of differential helicity decay rates at Cleo-c and the $B$ factories can provide a model independent means of extracting the ratio $|V_{ub}|/|V_{cd}|$. We briefly discuss the corrections to this prediction.

Comments: 8 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure
Journal: Phys.Rev. D68 (2003) 013005
Categories: hep-ph
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