Simultaneous Softening of sigma and rho Mesons associated with Chiral Restoration
K. Yokokawa, T. Hatsuda, A. Hayashigaki, T. Kunihiro
Published 2002-04-15, updated 2002-07-22Version 2
Complex poles of the unitarized pi-pi scattering amplitude in nuclear matter are studied. Partial restoration of chiral symmetry is modeled by the decrease of in-medium pion decay constant f*_{pi}. For large chiral restoration (f*_{pi}/f_{pi} << 1), 2nd sheet poles in the scalar (sigma) and the vector (rho) mesons are both dictated by the Lambert W function and show universal softening as f*_{pi} decreases. In-medium pi-pi cross section receives substantial contribution from the soft mode and exhibits a large enhancement in low-energy region. Fate of this universality for small chiral restoration (f*_{pi}/f_{pi} ~ 1) is also discussed.