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Thermodynamics of chiral symmetry at low densities

K. Splittorff, D. Toublan, J. J. M. Verbaarschot

Published 2002-04-05, updated 2002-06-28Version 2

The phase diagram of two-color QCD as a function of temperature and baryon chemical potential is considered. Using a low-energy chiral Lagrangian based on the symmetries of the microscopic theory, we determine, at the one-loop level, the temperature dependence of the critical chemical potential for diquark condensation and the temperature dependence of the diquark condensate and baryon density. The prediction for the temperature dependence of the critical chemical potential is consistent with the one obtained for a dilute Bose gas. The associated phase transition is shown to be of second order for low temperatures and first order at higher temperatures. The tricritical point at which the second order phase transition ends is determined. The results are carried over to QCD with quarks in the adjoint representation and to ordinary QCD at a non-zero chemical potential for isospin.

Comments: 29 pages, Latex, typos corrected, 1 Ref added. Version to appear in Nucl. Phys. B
Journal: Nucl.Phys. B639 (2002) 524-548
Categories: hep-ph, cond-mat, hep-lat, hep-th
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