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Instanton Effects in QCD at High Baryon Density

Thomas Schaefer

Published 2002-01-21, updated 2002-02-09Version 2

We study instanton effects in QCD at very high baryon density. In this regime instantons are suppressed by a large power of $(\Lambda_{QCD}/\mu)$, where $\Lambda_{QCD}$ is the QCD scale parameter and $\mu$ is the baryon chemical potential. Instantons are nevertheless important because they contribute to several physical observables that vanish to all orders in perturbative QCD. We study, in particular, the chiral condensate and its contribution $m_{GB}^2\sim m<\bar{\psi}\psi>$ to the masses of Goldstone bosons in the CFL phase of QCD with $N_f=3$ flavors. We find that at densities $\rho\sim (5-10) \rho_0$, where $\rho_0$ is the density of nuclear matter, the result is dominated by large instantons and subject to considerable uncertainties. We suggest that these uncertainties can be addressed using lattice calculations of the instanton density and the pseudoscalar diquark mass in QCD with two colors. We study the topological susceptibility and Witten-Veneziano type mass relations in both $N_c=2$ and $N_c=3$ QCD.

Comments: 27 pages, 8 figures, minor revisions
Journal: Phys.Rev. D65 (2002) 094033
Categories: hep-ph, hep-lat
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