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Kaluza-Klein States of the Standard Model Gauge Bosons: Constraints From High Energy Experiments

Kingman Cheung, Greg Landsberg

Published 2001-10-26, updated 2001-11-13Version 2

In theories with the standard model gauge bosons propagating in inverse-TeV-size extra dimensions, their Kaluza-Klein states interact with the rest of the SM particles confined to the 3-brane. We look for possible signals for this interaction in the present high-energy collider data, and estimate the sensitivity offered by the next generation of collider experiments. Based on the present data from the LEP 2, Tevatron, and HERA experiments, we set a lower limit on the extra dimension compactification scale Mc > 6.8 TeV at the 95% confidence level (dominated by the LEP 2 results) and quote expected sensitivities in the Tevatron Run 2 and at the LHC.

Comments: One new reference, RevTeX 4, text 22 pages, appendix 24 pages
Journal: Phys.Rev.D65:076003,2002
Categories: hep-ph, hep-ex
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