Searching for the CP-Violation Associated with Majorana Neutrinos
S. Pascoli, S. T. Petcov, L. Wolfenstein
Published 2001-10-23, updated 2001-12-06Version 2
The effective Majorana mass which determines the rate of the neutrinoless double beta decay, |<m>|, is considered in the case of three-neutrino mixing and massive Majorana neutrinos. Assuming a rather precise determination of the parameters characterizing the neutrino oscillation solutions of the solar and atmospheric neutrino problems has been made, we discuss the information a measurement of |<m>| > (0.005 - 0.010) eV can provide on the value of the lightest neutrino mass and on the CP-violation in the lepton sector. The implications of combining a measurement of |<m>| with future measurement of the neutrino mass in tritium beta-decay experiments for the possible determination of leptonic CP-violation are emphasized.